The Rotary Club of Lethbridge East supports the following Rotary Youth Programs:
Please contact us for further information about these programs. Please let us know if you or someone you know would like to participate.
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

What is RYLA?
- A Rotary sponsored four day overnight leadership conference for high school students aged 15 - 17
- focused on the enhancement of leadership skills and personal development
- We deliver attendees the tangible tools and exercises for you to be one of today's leaders and tomorrow's global shapers
- Empowers engaged youth leaders through a shared leadership and personal development journey
- A mix of individual and group activities that focus on leadership, personal development
- Empower our attendees to form communities and friendships
- At RYLA, leaders will discover themselves, each other and their communities!
Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN)

- RYPEN promotes personal growth, connections and leadership in a safe environment by providing challenging opportunities and tools to empower youth who have demonstrated courage and perseverance in their daily lives.
- RYPEN focuses on youth between the ages of 13 and 17 years old.
- Former RYPEN attendees facilitate the camp!
- RYPEN camp
- Camp happens each May
Adventures in Agriculture

This program is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Regina Eastview and held at the end of November during the internationally acclaimed Canadian Western Agribition Livestock Show and Sale in Regina. Students from across Canada have the opportunity to visit Agribition, tour major agriculture based industries, and participate in networking and information sessions conducted by agriculture industry professionals and business leaders. The program is designed to broaden knowledge and understanding of the multi-faceted agricultural sector, environmental issues, and the challenge of providing food for the world.
Rotary Alberta Youth Entrepreneurship Camp (RAYEC)

Rotary Alberta Youth Entrepreneurship Camp (RAYEC) is for youth aged 13-15 who have an interest in business. This one-week entrepreneurial-based camp combines business education training with a summer camp atmosphere. Campers hear from guest speakers and participate in workshops to learn business plan components, such as marketing, advertising, cash flow and record keeping.
Youth are put into business teams where they develop a business idea, meet with suppliers and bankers and build a product or a service. These youthful ventures are open for business on the final day of camp. Campers pay back their business loans and split their profits amongst their business team. It’s not only about numbers and business plans, though. The youth get to participate in a variety of summer camp experiences and recreational activities as well.
Campers attend for free, thanks to the generous support of community sponsors, Community Futures offices and Rotary District 5360. Sixty South and Central Alberta youths will attend the Cypress Hills camp. Youths interested in more information or to apply to the camp can visit www.rotaryayec.ca or contact the Rotary Club of Lethbridge East.
Youth are put into business teams where they develop a business idea, meet with suppliers and bankers and build a product or a service. These youthful ventures are open for business on the final day of camp. Campers pay back their business loans and split their profits amongst their business team. It’s not only about numbers and business plans, though. The youth get to participate in a variety of summer camp experiences and recreational activities as well.
Campers attend for free, thanks to the generous support of community sponsors, Community Futures offices and Rotary District 5360. Sixty South and Central Alberta youths will attend the Cypress Hills camp. Youths interested in more information or to apply to the camp can visit www.rotaryayec.ca or contact the Rotary Club of Lethbridge East.
Adventure in Citizenship

In 1951, the Rotary Club of Ottawa established its annual "Adventure in Citizenship" Program in which over 150 senior high school students from across Canada spend four days in Ottawa experiencing tours, lectures, discussions and social events designed to enhance their understanding and appreciation of Canadian citizenship.
This annual event provides a unique opportunity for a select group of young Canadians to come together and gain a better understanding of our country. Through meetings with political leaders, senior officials, and others, they learn a great deal about the workings of our democratic institutions. Through meeting one another and having discussions among themselves, they learn to appreciate the diversity of Canada and privileges and responsibilities of citizenship.
A consistently positive response to this program is the value attached to the opportunity to meet their peers from across Canada. The discovery that Canadians hold much more in common than the matters that divide us.
The Rotary Adventure in Citizenship Program is for students aged 16-18 years who are leaders in their community and reflect the broad spectrum of religious and cultural communities that comprise Canadian society. They are also Canadian citizens or they have landed immigrant status. Many are past or future participants in a Rotary International Exchange program abroad.
The Rotary Adventure in Citizenship Program is for students aged 16-18 years who are leaders in their community and reflect the broad spectrum of religious and cultural communities that comprise Canadian society. They are also Canadian citizens or they have landed immigrant status. Many are past or future participants in a Rotary International Exchange program abroad.
The program evolves from year to year in response to the changing political agenda of the country. Normally, the program will include a presentation from the Speaker of the House of Commons and a visit in the Chamber, meetings with aboriginal and local leaders and motivational speakers. Other typical activities include a special sitting of a Citizenship Court, a visit to the Canadian War Museum and local universities, discussions with topical experts, a talent show and a French-Canadian meal. Participants are encouraged in fellowship among themselves and an appreciation of the cultural diversity in Canada.
The program evolves from year to year in response to the changing political agenda of the country. Normally, the program will include a presentation from the Speaker of the House of Commons and a visit in the Chamber, meetings with aboriginal and local leaders and motivational speakers. Other typical activities include a special sitting of a Citizenship Court, a visit to the Canadian War Museum and local universities, discussions with topical experts, a talent show and a French-Canadian meal. Participants are encouraged in fellowship among themselves and an appreciation of the cultural diversity in Canada.
Short-Term Youth Exchange

Rotary Short-Term Exchange allows students to advance their knowledge and understanding of the world by allowing them to live abroad briefly over the summer. Participants live with one host family in the destination country for approximately one month in the summer under the sponsorship of their local Rotary Club.
This is a true exchange program because the host brother/sister from abroad will also spend a month with the participating student in his/her home during the same summer.
This is a true exchange program because the host brother/sister from abroad will also spend a month with the participating student in his/her home during the same summer.
Winston Churchill Interact Club

Students at Winston Churchill who want to connect with others in their community or school. Interact club members have fun while carrying out service projects and learning about the world. Interact clubs organize at least two service projects annually, one that benefits their community and encourages international understanding. While Interact clubs receive guidance from individual Rotary clubs, they govern and support themselves.
New Generations Service Exchange (NGSE)

NGSE is a short-term (weeks to max of 6 months), customizable program for young adults, including post-secondary students, trades people, and professionals between the ages of 18 and 30.
Participants can design an exchange program that combines their vocational goals with a humanitarian project, in a country and for a time span of their own choosing.
Financial cost to participant?
Air fare, visa (if necessary), insurance, spending money and application fee of $200. Rotary covers the rest.
What are the benefits?
- Make connections with service-minded community leaders in another country
- Start learning another language
- Build your vocational/professional skills and gain international experience and contacts
- Travel and explore a new culture while giving back through service
Application cut-off dates:
- For a summer exchange (May-Aug): Jan 15
- For a fall exchange (Sept-Dec): May 15
- For a winter exchange (Jan-Apr): Aug 15
Interested? Contact Committee Chair for more information and or contact the Rotary Club of Lethbridge East.