Dr. Bob Hironaka - Alberta Order of Excellence
We are very proud to have long-time club member Bob Hironaka in our midst. Bob recently received the Alberta Order of Excellence recognition. Bob is an exceptional Rotarian, citizen, community inspiration and productive innovator.
Bob is an outstanding Rotarian, recipient of 5 Paul Harris Fellowships for his contributions to The Rotary Foundation, and a genuinely positive organizer for Rotary events. Bob has been deeply supportive of Group Study Exchange programs, through which young professionals visit other countries to learn in their fields and to build international relationships. Bob supervised a GSE group to Japan, and has hosted and planned visits and functions for countless incoming GSE groups.
For many years, Bob was one of the principal proponants and participants in the Young Voyageurs Program through which students from Quebec and Alberta participated in an exchange to enhance understanding within our Canadian culture. Bob has also been a strong supporter of the Rotary International Student Exchange, supporting both incoming, and outgoing Lethbridge students.
Bob has been a tireless organizer and supporter of Rotary community activities, and has held nearly every Executive / Committee Chair postion in the Rotary Club of Lethbridge East. He has introduced many people in the Lethbridge community to Rotary with his unique talent for identifying people's strengths. Bob is well known throughout the District and has become one of the "elder statesmen" for Rotary.
Bob is an outstanding citizen, a true inspiration to his community, and a very constructive innovator. Bob was behind the coming to fruition of projects such as the Nikka Yuko Japanese Garden, Communites in Bloom, and so much more for our community ! Bob has also contributed to educational advancement in our City, as Chancellor at the University of Lethbridge.
Click Dr. Bob for more information about this incredible man !
Click News Flash Dr. Bob for photo of the 2012 Award Recipients.
Recently a Celebration Dinner was hosted in honor of Bob's special recognition - click Celebrate Dr. Bob for photos of that event.